| 1. | The legal balance of intellectual property law 论知识产权立法的法益衡平 |
| 2. | The legal position of the international intellectual property law 国际知识产权法之法律地位 |
| 3. | The study on application of chinese regional intellectual property law 我国区际知识产权法律适用 |
| 4. | On the value of good - faith principle to intellectual property law 诚信原则之于知识产权法的价值解读 |
| 5. | Research on the aim of intellectual property law and balancing of interests 知识产权法目的与利益平衡研究 |
| 6. | Outline of the doctrine of balancing of interests in intellectual property law 知识产权法利益平衡原理论纲 |
| 7. | Discuss law against unfair competition and intellectual property law 试论反不正当竞争法与知识产权法的关系 |
| 8. | Joining wto and the consummation of the intellectual property law system 入世与我国知识产权法律制度的完善 |
| 9. | Justification of protecting traditional knowledge by intellectual property law 论传统知识寻求知识产权保护的正当性 |
| 10. | Explanation of prior right in trademark law in respect of intellectual property law 商标法中在先权利的知识产权法解释 |